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The Mangler Reborn (2005) booh!

Engels A moron with a rubber mallet, an "innovative" minimalist soundtrack, tons of bullshit about nothing and most of the runtime taking place on a starcaise... What?


Akumu tantei (2006) 

Engels My first encounter with Tsukamoto and straight away such an almost flawless movie experience. Without the occasional phases where it rather drags, there isn’t much to fault here. An interesting topic, molded into an original movie by means of very powerful visuals and marvelous sound effects, all with a great atmosphere. Instead of A Nightmare on Elm Street, I think a better comparison is with a detective style Suicide Club.


Masters of Horror (2005) (serie) 

Engels Incident On and Off a Mountain Road 1/5: Unatmospheric, with an unlikable heroine, a ridiculous villain, and dysfunctional scary scenes. There are hundreds of amateur movies about the same thing on the net, only they look better and go by quicker; Dreams in the Witch-House 3/5: Too bad that it didn’t with the door flying open, that would have instantly moved it up a notch. Imprint 4/5: Several perfect scenes and if it weren’t for the infuriating Billy Drago, the cast would be good. The problem with Imprint is that the theme has the potential for a much shorter duration than what is ultimately served by the creators. The rating refers to the original version as it was broadcast on television, not to the lamely censored DVD version for the USA.


El día de la bestia (1995) 

Engels The Day of the Beast lacks neither a strong idea, an original theme, or excellent moments. But wat it lacks is momentum in several scenes and, above all, better exploited potential. They could have got so much more from such a brilliant idea. Even so, turned out to be an excellent movie where it is glaringly obvious at almost every moment just how much better it could have been.


The Monster Squad (1987) 

Engels Variations on Spielberg's ET and especially on Ghostbusters. Just it’s aimed at younger viewers and features characters from monster movies. The pace is pretty good, not all the kids are completely annoying; and it's a pleasant and relaxing family movie. It isn’t much more than a tolerable distillation of something you’ve seen a hundred times before. But, you have to give it them, this is a concoction that works quite well. Still, if you want to see this type of movie, I would recommend watching the phenomenally unbeatable Goonies instead.


Ba xian fan dian: Ren rou cha shao bao (1993) 

Engels When they try to create humor in Hong Kong, it is usually lost on me... Wannabe humorous police scenes are gradually phased out completely, but at first there are more than enough of them. If The Untold Story had been absolutely serious from the beginning, it could have worked excellently. Especially since the movie can rely on the always first-class Anthony Wong.


Primeval (2007) 

Engels Not enough Gustav versus a geyser of embarrassment on Purcell's part. It has momentum, aggressive editing, passable CGI effects and lots of color filters. As far as the technical aspect is concerned, there is not much to find fault with. Something that cannot be said about the action or original ideas. These ingredients are desperately lacking here. However, as far as this specific subgenre is concerned, this is relatively successful. But still, expect no miracles.


Funny Man (1994) 

Engels It is obvious where the creators got their inspiration. And they were more than just well-inspired. Funny Man is a sort of variation on Nightmare on Elm Street. The beginning is needlessly long-winded, but in the second half, ideas and pace come thick and fast. Not all of it is well-made, original and sewn up, but overall that cynical fool’s practical jokes are pretty funny. He-he-he-he!


Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993) 

Engels An excellent parody sequel from the day when this genre was not just all about copying scenes from their more famous colleagues, everybody getting hit in the head and farting. Although Part Deux does not reach the standard of part one, but even so, it has a wealth of original ideas and so the viewer can forgive the creators the very few really lame moments.


Hot Shots! (1991) 

Engels A parody from the old days when the genre was not only based on copied scenes of more famous colleagues and a lot of banging heads and farting...