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Recensie (150)


The War of the Roses (1989) 

Engels This is a different take on Wars of the Roses, it is called The War of the Roses. The saying "pushing you until you snap." applies very well to this movie. Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner are an absolutely insane and totally convincing couple. Come to think of it – is not the entirety of The War of the Roses perfect too? Woof!


Death Race (2008) 

Engels The title is a perfect fit. This is the kind of Death Race that none of us would want to enter, and we can count ourselves lucky to be at home enjoying some peace and quiet with a nice cup of tea and some buttery biscuits (which I'm currently devouring), while our boss isn't forcing us to take part in such a race.


Planet of the Apes (1968) 

Engels This is one of the foundational works of modern science fiction movies that I have watched repeatedly, and I never tire of it. Also, don't let anyone tell you that the Burton remake is just a kitsch. In my opinion, both films are on the same level, with a mysterious charm, oppressive atmosphere, and much more.


Super Mario Bros. (1993) 

Engels I have a challenge for all age groups. Uwe Boll is known for making movie adaptations of computer games. On average, his movies have received a rating of 21.6% on Filmbooster. Super Mario Bros. received a higher rating of 46%, but it was made by four directors. Here are my questions for you: a) What is the percentage of success rate per director for Super Mario Bros.? b) If Uwe Boll were added as a fifth director, how much would the success rate percentage for Super Mario Bros. decrease? c) By what percentage is Uwe Boll more successful than the directors of Super Mario Bros.? Please send me your answers via private message. P.S. So, in terms of rating, Super Mario Bros. is worth... Almost Unreal by Roxette. However, that's about all it's worth.


Zánik domu Usherů (1980) 

Engels This is even better than The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope. The Fall of the House of Usher exceeded my expectations, although I could not really get on very well with Petr Cepek's performance. Not that he was absolutely terrible, but sometimes he spoke too slowly and sometimes too quickly, to the point where he was almost unintelligible – although it did not adversely affect the action of the scenes. Cepek was better at the end, so that is the only such average thing about this beautiful short film. Svankmajer once again demonstrates how he can successfully combine Edgar Allan Poe's short story with other, historical short stories, as he did with the aforementioned The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope. In this movie, Svankmajer’s ideas are voiced by Cepek, as he recounts the miserable mental anguish suffered by both Usher and his sister, whom Usher buried alive. Cepek portrays the narrator who visits Usher in person, and who faithfully describes his feelings about the house, its surroundings, and Usher and his sister. When you hear that Usher was sitting on his chair, his back to the door, the whole time and swaying erratically, you know something suspenseful is about to happen. Only the climax will give you the answer to what is really behind the veil of truth. Then you shall finally find out what it means to be consumed by the notion of retribution for what you have done every day.


Mousehunt (1997) 

Engels I loved this back when I was a kid. It is wacky, funny, insane, far-fetched – but why not? You shall have fun, you shall laugh... so take it easy. ;)


Whale Rider (2002) 

Engels I have not seen such a powerful and charged drama and family movie in a long time – and truth be told I saw many of them. The story of an intellectually ill-educated and demeaned girl (not in the sense of being bullied by her classmates or failing at school) who is psychologically abused by her grandfather. While she craves approval, he wants to humiliate her as deeply as he can. You do not experience these feelings while watching an ordinary movie, but Whale Rider is something else. Director Niki Caro, who was practically an amateur at the time, delivers an incredible performance, and together with Keisha Castle-Hughes, has created a monumental duo that works as wonderfully as the Depp-Burton pairing, though of course in a different genre and direction. The soundtrack is fascinating and reveals the mysteries and customs of New Zealand. The ending may turn out well in one way, however, after watching it a second time you realize it turned out even better – as true friendship, love and appreciation is stronger than anything else, and Whale Rider makes that clear.


City of Ember (2008) 

Engels Before watching this movie, I was in doubt if Gil Kenan was capable of making a good adventure movie, however, this movie convinced me that he really can. Saoirse Ronan surprised me a lot with her talented acting ability, and pleasant demeanor, while Harry Treadaway acted like he was unimpressed, and overly mature. The soundtrack was also a very good feast for the ears, giving the movie a real edge. I must also commend the screenplay, which (unlike Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D) is quite unpredictable (even though the happy ending was pretty predictable), and left a good impression. I also liked the set design (the underground city looks really cool), the special effects and some illogicalities in the plot (the final voyage to the surface) were the only things to bring the rating down to three stars.


Als kat en hond (2001) 

Engels Eh... have we not had enough of these movies about animals taking over, and their plans for world domination?! There are unlikable actors, lame humor, hyperactive tomcats, plague rats – and this is supposed to be a family comedy?! Dreadful! Comparable in quality to Home Alone 3. However, I am still going to award it one star for the somewhat unconventional idea and for the fact that I quite liked it as a kid.


Wimbledon (2004) 

Engels I could not help it, but this movie did not impress me at all. While I like Dunst and Bettany, I found this to be an incredibly vacuous movie, dominated mainly by typical cinematic conventions, stale dialogue, predictability, and boredom. Ninety-eight minutes felt incredibly long to sit through, and if it were not for the above two actors, I probably would have fallen asleep from boredom. I am awarding this a weak two stars.