Endast djävulen lever utan hopp

Noorwegen / Zweden, 2020, 85 min


Human rights activist Dilya tirelessly battles for the release of her brother Iskandar. Sixteen years ago, he was thrown in Uzbekistan's Jaslyk Prison, notorious for torturing prisoners. Iskandar's ageing parents have only one wish: to live to see their son's release. Although Dilya has emigrated with them to Europe, she has not stopped working for her brother's release even from faraway Scandinavia. The documentary follows this struggle not only through her eyes, but also from the point of view of activists, lawyers and others whose destinies are somehow intertwined with hers and Iskandar's. Unexpected, even conspiratorial threads gradually converge across several countries. It slowly becomes clear that the brutal jail system is not the only monstrous weapon that the oppressive Uzbek regime has at its disposal. (One World)

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