Le Cœur de Madame Sabali

  • Canada The Heart of Madame Sabali


Jeanette is an unusual woman with problems of the heart. Literally. She works at a train station outside Montreal in a red cardigan and hasn't had sex in two years with her apathetic boyfriend. She sometimes tries to seduce him by dancing in black underwear. To no avail. So she starts going out with a younger colleague who is courting her. When she gets a new heart through surgery, she starts to see visions from the donor's former life. She also befriends her son, a young man from Mali who believes that his mother has been reborn in Jeannette. A wonderfully clever portrait blending the preposterous with humour and creating innovative filmmaking with though-provoking layers in the process. We are fortunate to make Jeannette's acqauintance, even if only on the silver screen. Because she is a little crazy, wise, cool and simply awesome. (Göteborg Film Festival)

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