
Ronnie is a young white male, struggling with the pressures of life. He’s unemployed, rejected from the military for being mentally unstable, and lives at home with his ailing and nagging mother. When it comes to dating, things aren’t any better, as women don’t exactly find his approach charming. Instead of looking inward, Ronnie finds an outlet for his frustration online. The alt-right community gives him a place to belong and absolves his personal responsibility - his problems aren’t his fault, they tell him. Instead, the blame belongs with weak progressives who are trying to emasculate men and impose their multicultural, feminist agenda. Ronnie becomes obsessed with this conspiratorial rhetoric, clinging to values about defending America from immigrants (literally, with guns) and preserving the dominance of the white race. He idolizes the social media stars of the “revolution” and soon becomes one himself, with his popular, hate-fueled video rants. But Ronnie has an incredibly scandalous secret that could destroy the macho persona he’s been clinging to and his golden reputation in the movement. Feeling more alone than ever before, his insecurities turn into desperate rage. With the fictional but topical Cuck, director Rob Lambert masterfully weaves the real-life climate of American politics into his raw examination of the dangers of misplaced hate. (Cleveland International Film Festival)

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