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Korte films
Mexico, 2018


Javier Blanco


Paco in his dark innocence and simplicity questions us and makes us ask ourselves questions which are both necessary and pointless. What gives your life meaning? Could it be that the meaning we are looking for is not found with the approaches we are using? When I give it all, is there still something that terrifies me? Am I still running away? If I had all the answers to these questions, would they be meaningful or would they just be somebody else’s answers and thus they have no meaning for me? Perhaps - and it’s just another useless hypothesis - the meaning we are looking for, the love and dedication as well as the path itself are not different or separate things and can only be found when there is nowhere else to run to, when there is nothing left of whom we were. This is Paco’s story. (Anchorage International Film Festival)
