
A fairy-tale about love, greed and pettiness, as well as human courage and resourcefulness. When Urban is born, three spirits gather above his cradle to foretell his fate. The two good spirits speak of love and wealth, while the bad one tells of poverty and endless woes. Which of the prophesies is stronger? Urban soon becomes orphaned and is taken as an apprentice by a stingy watchmaker. When Urban grows up, he falls in love with the watchmakerʼs daughter Laura, and the wedding day is soon coming. The Master sends his apprentice into the world to find a mythical watch that predicts death. Nobody knows if it exist at all, but if Urban doesnʼt return with the watch, Laura will not become his wife. So the watchmakerʼs apprentice embarks on a mission full of obstacles that he must overcome with bravery, a quick mind, and good heart. (MFFK Febiofest)



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