
In the middle of the 15th century, Vlad Tepes, who was appointed to the voivodship of Wallachia by Mehmed the Conqueror personally, started to inflict cruelty on the people of the region even though he was loyal to the Ottomans at first. Mehmed the Conqueror will not keep silent about the cruelty that is inflicted on people, no matter what their religion or nation is. At first, he sends a warning with his messenger. When Vlad have his men nail the messenger’s turban down on his head and send it to İstanbul, the ruler of the Ottomans reaches the end of his tether, now it’s time to bring an end to the cruelty of Vlad. Mehmed gives an order to the Father Sultan so that this can be done with swiftly. Father Sultan sends seven fearless, brave men that are from the Deliler unit and Kuman who is his eyes and his ears to Targovishte where Vlad rules. These seven heroes are; Gökkurt, Aşkar, Mübariz, Çebi, Suskun, Kongar and Adsız. Deliler are determined to take the revenge for the wronged ones one by one by going directly towards the guerrillas instead of hiding from the guerrillas and going directly to Vlad. At the end of the road, there is Vlad Tepes, who is known as Vlad the Impaler in history, and his army. (AF-Media)



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