
Recensie van NinadeL voor deze serie (3)

Spor architekta Zítka (1981) (E01) 

Engels Overall, a wonderful to excellent triptych on the theme of the backstage of the Prague National Theater opened with this chapter from the aftermath of the fire. It is necessary to admire and educate yourself in a non-violent way and quickly move on to the next episode! There is no other way. ()

Spor herečky Kvapilové (1982) (E02) 

Engels There’s a fascinating feminine theme that can be found here. Although today, more than 100 years after Hana Kvapilová's death, it is admirably difficult to engage our full imagination to grasp even partially the nature of her acting and thus to understand its meaning. Unforgettable. ()

Spor dramaturga Stroupežnického (1982) (E03) 

Engels This work by Dietl is very inspired by the premiere of the Czech play "Naši furianti" (Our Swaggerers). I must admire and discover, perhaps for the first time in my life, a real enthusiasm for the events surrounding the Golden Chapel. Just the reconstructions of those considerations around set design alone make me applaud. ()