Epic Mancaves

Documentaire / Reality-tv
USA, 2015


On the edge of the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, there's a motley crew of torch-wielding, adrenaline-soaked fabricators hell-bent on building the most epic mancaves in the world. Metalwork mastermind Brandon Ruff heads the rough-and-tumble company known as Firemass Metal. Alongside his friends, Tomas, Bryan, Jake, and Nate, team Firemass tears through garages, basements, and unused spaces across the country like a testosterone-infused wrecking ball. They demolish what was there and rebuild their monuments to manhood - full of custom creations and mechanical masterpieces, always pressing the boundaries of what's possible with their extreme designs.

This, of course, is not new for Brandon because he's always had a penchant for the extreme. As a former professional snowboarder, he's shredded the most death-defying slopes, riding that razor's-edge between exhilaration and annihilation. And he's taken that attitude directly to his work, as tight budgets, radical one-of-a-kind creations, and insane deadlines force Firemass to ride that same razor's edge. While Tomas, ever the pragmatist, certainly disagrees with Brandon's seemingly reckless approach - leading to a relationship that's as combustible as an acetylene torch - it's those divergent viewpoints that drives their creativity and success.

Whether it be transforming a ramshackle cabin into a moonshiner's paradise, replete with mechanized false walls and trap doors concealing the precious private whiskey reserves, or outfitting a bare garage into a military bunker, loaded with a hydraulic-powered armory packing enough firepower to stave off a zombie apocalypse and a roll-away bar with enough booze to have a hell-of-a-time in the process, Brandon and Tomas elevate their clients' requests to the next level. For team Firemass, it's always an adventure as they salvage, cut, and forge, Epic Mancave Builds. (Discovery Channel)
