
Paula struggles to come to terms with Philip's death and Mac's superior seems determined to believe that it was suicide. Paula notices some things missing from her home and starts to believe that James was involved in Philip's death somehow, so she enlists Mac's help. James meanwhile is trying to cope living with two warring women. Crystal accuses Morgan of speaking to the police and reacts violently. James fears that the police are closing in on him and his hallucinations are getting increasingly worse. He goes on the run. Paula again is trying to cope with her brother's alcoholism and is having nightmares herself. She is bereft when he is left fighting for his life. Mac starts to dig into James past, and things don't seem to quite add up. He visits James's flat and finds he has vanished and things have escalated between Crystal and Morgan. In a moment of loneliness, Paula and Mac sleep with one another, and start to get increasingly close. Paula confesses that she herself isn't quite what she seems. Just when it seems like he has disappeared into thin air, James reappears. Will he get the revenge he wants? (BBC)

