Culpa - Niemand ist ohne Schuld

  • Duitsland Culpa (onofficiële titel) (meer)
? %
Duitsland, 2017, 2 h 48 min (Aantal minuten: 42 min)



"Not every sin is a crime, but every crime is a sin", says the priest lolling on the pews. It's up to him to prevent new crimes from being committed based on what he finds out in the confessional. Stipe Erceg plays the unconventional man of the cloth who is left on his own trying to fight crime due to his vows. 13th Street's first in-house crime series is a psychological shell game that negver fails to surprise. Each episode deals with the dark secrets of mankind, and how to prevent the worst with the power of words and faith alone. (Filmfest München)



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