
Marco is a skinhead, tried and true. He hates Arabs, Jews, blacks, communists and gays - until the moment that he suddenly feels all this hatred desert him. But how do you get rid of the violence, anger, and stupidity inside of you? FRENCH BLOOD, the gritty portrait of the rise of the French National Front party and its associated right-wing movements, covers several decades - from 1985, when young Marco and his brother are drawn in by the dramatic rhetorics of the Neo-Nazi groups, until 2013, when the same people dress smartly to go to church on Sunday, rising from street thugs to notable faces of local conservative politics. But ultimately, more than the extremist or right-wing movements themselves, FRENCH BLOOD is about how difficult it is to break from the vicious cycle of hate and violence you are born and raised into. Marco, who we first see beating and harassing everyone from random teenagers to older Middle Eastern men in the suburbs of Paris, is not alone in his involvement with right-wing extremists; his brother, friends and ultimately even his wife also participate, and it's the pressure of his immediate and most intimate surroundings that make it almost impossible to break free of his situation. (Cinemax)


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