Beat Beat Heart



Lana Cooper, the cutest girl's girl actress ever, deftly portrays a quirky-loner-dreamer coping with heartbreak following the loss of a perceived twin flame, all while surrounded by a claustrophobic circle of small town friends. This beautiful movie POVs her lonely bubble while the relationships in her small circle play out, including a dating app addicted roommate, a sexy mom with her own romantic coming of age saga, and a perfect couple whose relationship ultimately can't be held to the fire. As she holds onto faith with childlike freedom in a world of unrealized magic, I'm on her side the whole way through. I wait and hope in a meditative pause, staring up at the sky for a stark blue answer to rain down, laying with her on the deliciously dangerous train tracks. Yearning to get out of the city yet living in beautiful open land, discovering a familiar set of problems: no matter where you go, there you are. All of us with creative and loving hearts that go on beating and beating, sometimes, in spite of themselves. (Sundance Film Festival)
