Voice-sensitive Regions in the Dog and Human Brain

alle posters
Korte films
Hongarije, 2014, 5 min


Humans and dogs share a similar social environment. According to recent research by Hungarian scientists, they both process emotional information with similar brain mechanisms. Dogs' voice detection centres are located in the same brain area as humans' – and that is the reason why they respond to voices in the same way. Eleven dogs selected for the study were intensively trained to lay motionless for six minutes in order to have their brains accurately scanned with magnetic resonance imaging. During this process, approximately 200 kinds of sounds were played including sounds of dogs, people and background noises. Twenty people were then enrolled in the same experiment to enable the first comparison of brain activity between humans and an animal that does not belong to the primate class. The findings are significant for communication research between dogs and humans because they explain the neural mechanisms and behavioural patterns of effective companionship that were created between humans and dogs thousands of years ago. (Academia Film Olomouc)
