Batkid Begins

  • USA Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World
USA, 2015, 90 min


Dana Nachman


Dana Nachman


Naomi Kyle


On one day, in one city, the world came together to grant one five-year-old cancer patient his wish. The documentary Batkid Begins looks at the why of this flash phenomenon. Why did the intense outpouring of spontaneous support for a child reverberate around the world and become one of the biggest good news stories ever? The film explores what happens when an event goes viral, and reveals surprising truths about what happens when a nerve is touched in our digital society. Will the Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation fulfill its mission to help Miles reclaim his childhood after battling disease for more than half his short life?
In the end, the film leaves audiences to decide: did Miles need the world for inspiration? Or did the world need Miles? (Warner Bros. US)


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