The History of Time Travel

Documentaire / Drama / Historisch
USA, 2014, 72 min


The central topic of this pseudo-documentary is the eternal struggle between humans and time. Since the dawn of time we have tried to free ourselves from its shackles. What if we succeeded? Scientist Edward Page works on a secret government project during World War II – his task is to create a time machine before the Nazis do. He devotes his entire life to this ambitious goal. After Page's failure, his son takes over his research and successfully finishes the historic project. The invention of a time machine irreversibly changes the course of history. The film mixes reality and fiction together to create the perfect illusion, and as a result it presents a realistic depiction of the development of a fictional historical event. Typical approaches used in historical documentaries are utilised here, and it even gives floor to experts and their opinions on the matter as well as fictitious scientists who support the facts brought forth. The documentary style elevates this fiction to a new level, transforms the framework of sci-fi into scientific "fact" which viewers are willing to believe. Despite its intentional mystification, the film retains the typical existential overlap of the sci-fi genre. (Academia Film Olomouc)


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