Propaganda Kompanien

Documentaire / Oorlog
Frankrijk, 2012, 90 min


Walter Frentz (a.b.)
(meer functies)


Most of the images of WWII have been shot by cinematographers of Propaganda Kompanien, the III Reich military squad of propaganda.
These images are still shown as the reflection of the reality and as an historical testimony but we forget that they have been made for a very specific purpose : propaganda.
As the minister of Education and Propaganda, Docteur Joseph Goebbels himself used this tool of information and manipulation. Porpaganda Kompanien has followed the Army in every single opération making images as weapons to spead the Nazi ideology in the entire world.
Today we should ask ourselves wether thèse images are still manupilating us. Do they still influence our perception of what we know about the WWII ? Are they still images of Nazi propaganda in a way ?
The cinematographers of the Propaganda Kompanien have seen the war carriying their camera. This documentary follow four of them, including the personale cinetaographer of Adolf Hitler, and analyse the mecanism of the authentic war weapon. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)


Galerie (17)