Men & Metal

alle posters
Documentaire / Korte films
Denemarken, 2013, 30 min


Palle Demant


Five former shipbuilders tell personal cock-and-bull stories about drinking, socialising, accidents and fighting in a tough-as-nails man's world at the legendary B&W shipyard on Refshaleøen, Copenhagen. In this documentary they are taken back to the shipyard, where they spent most of their lives among the 10,000 workers at the shipyard, until it closed in 1996. Today the metal festival Copenhell is located at the abandoned shipyard grounds, and every June, the location is invaded by 10,000 metal fans. Two of the former workers visits the metal festival, to see what is happening at their old workplace. The shipyard is still a place for Men & Metal. (Doc Alliance Films)
