Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement

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Documentaire / Drama / Historisch
USA / Canada, 2013, 61 min


The term transhumanism is increasingly used in connection with the dynamic progress in medical technology. It no longer comprises the mere futuristic concept of human transformation. Up-to-date research and inventions constantly extend the boundaries of our abilities. Doctors explore the nervous system of humans and their knowledge helps scientists to produce devices which can make life easier for the paralysed and people who have undergone amputation. However, this process is never-ending and along with it comes a wide range of philosophical and ethical issues that have not yet been resolved. In the FIXED documentary, these issues in particular form the frame of the story, which is then interwoven with the opinions of disabled people, who not only need such devices, but already use them. The documentary reveals, step-by-step, that the world of cutting-edge technology mingles dangerously with the human world. One thorny problem is the ethical part. Some disabled people are grateful for anything “common” that gives some relief from the burdens of life. Others see no reason to fix their “disability.” And healthy people? Well, they crave for nothing less than wings. (Academia Film Olomouc)
