Down the Mighty River

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Korte films / Documentaire
Canada, 2010, 3x22 min


The magnificent Rupert River is living its last summer. Soon, the huge dam of Hydro-Québec will make the river run north instead of west. Life and the natural environment by the river will change radically. The Cree director Ernest Webb, who witnessed the launching of hydro-electric construction works 30 years ago, sets out to look for the story of the river from the depths of culture, science and history. He finds a nation that was earlier united in their resistance to the harnessing of the river. Lately, they have been split by the hope of getting compensations and jobs. At the same time, a group of traditional canoeists paddle the river, searching the healing stream for relief for their personal problems. Skábmagovat presents the first two parts and the last part of this six-part series. (Skábmagovat-elokuvajuhla)
