Vládnout, pracovat, vydělávat, modlit se, hroutit se

  • USA To Rule, to Work, to Earn, to Pray, to Collapse (festivaltitel)
Korte films / Documentaire
Tsjechië, 2013, 40 min


This commentary on the collapse of civilization in four acts contains trace elements of Islamophobia, atheism, tabloid media, Mark Zuckerberg, mouldy bread, demonstrators, migrant labourers, Egyptologists and scepticism. An extensive exploration of the transcendental questions of a metastasising civilization, presented through microscopic examples from Czech society. The society of excess and collapse, illustrated through the simplicity of children’s games on a playground.
Seen from a voyeur’s vantage point on a balcony, children’s games reveal complicated issues of civilization’s entropy – naive creatures as metaphors for complex and complicated social mechanisms of power, control and subjugation. (Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival)


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