

Twenty years since the division of Czechoslovakia and the creation of the Czech Republic, at a time of extreme social frustration and unprecedented polarisation and extremism, there arises the need for young documentarians to look for answers to our current state of aff airs. Th rough our leading political representatives (former Prime Ministers), we must explore the eff ect that their actions have had on the functioning of the Czech Republic, ask difficult questions, and seek out new associations in order to paint
a comprehensive picture of the past 20 years of modern democratic history.¨

1. Petr Pithart – Jaroslav Kratochvíl
2. Václav Klaus – Petra Nesvačilová
3. Josef Tošovský – Viktor Portel
4. Miloš Zeman – Robin Kvapil
5. Vladimír Špidla – Martin Kohout
6. Stanislav Gross – Jan Látal
7. Jiří Paroubek – Bohdan Bláhovec
8. Mirek Topolánek – Apolena Rychlíková
9. Jan Fischer – Ivo Bystřičan
10. Petr Nečas - Lukáš Senft (Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival)

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