
Emese, the wife of the oldest of Hungarian chieftains, Álmos, dreams that she is impregnated by the Turul bird and that a silver creek starts out from her lap. Her son, Árpád, as a result of the fierce and ruthless attacks by the Pechenegs as well as because of the tales told by his father, prepares for his role of leading his people to a new home already as a child. Even Árpáds son, Levente, is a fully-grown young man when Árpád assembles the six other chieftains and they mark their association with the traditional blood contract. Levente sacrifices his life in the fightings against the Bulgarians at the Lower Danube when trying to help the main forces cross the Carpathians. At the Saddle of Verecke, Álmos looks over the nations would-be home and dies. At Pusztaszer, Árpád is elevated on a shield by his people, and he shows Leventes son, their ruler-to-be, to the nation. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)


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