Earth from Space

USA, 2012, 90 min


There is no planet in our solar system that has been explored more than the Earth. Yet still at its core and on its surface there are various actions going on, the meaning of which has not yet been exactly defined. Valuable data are generated by satellites which monitor weather changes, the flow of ocean currents and the motion of the continents and plankton. They observe the Earth’s surface round the clock. Surprisingly, the data suggests that the Earth “acts” as a living organism and its single parts correlate with each other. An event that occurs at one end of the planet thus affects an area thousands of kilometres away. That which humankind considers to be a catastrophe is merely a natural and essential cycle of the Earth. Everything that happens has a meaning. Nothing is groundless and accidental. There is a fragile balance connecting all the components and human behaviour constantly disrupts it. Computer visualisations of the universe and satellite data are finely processed in this factually enriching documentary, which presents new information in a wider context and thus clarifies the origin of natural phenomena and their impact on our lives. (Academia Film Olomouc)



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