
After being shot by his girlfriend and left for dead, a violent criminal is given a face transplant and forced to work undercover for the police. Violent criminal Gunter Vogler is a sociopath who hates everyone and everything. During a bloody jewelry store robbery he is shot by his accomplice and girlfriend Martine. He wakes up in hospital having received a face transplant - the face of a police officer he had killed earlier. The police tell him they saved his life and now he has to work for them and fight crime. With old friends becoming his new foes and enemies turning into allies, Gunter suffers an identity crisis that has him seeking revenge against the entire human race. Law enforcement thought that with Gunter in their ranks they were fighting fire with fire, but instead, Gunter is scorching the earth. He is a one man wrecking crew, a raging inferno carrying a police badge. He’s also a man on a mission to reunite with the woman he loves, Martine, who gave him the ultimate parting shot... a “Bullet in the Face.” (Beyond Home Entertainment)



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