


Carmen is the star of the musical circus that arrives in the Spanish seaside town just in time, the mayor's daughter Catherine's engagement with the officer Jose Rivera. Both are in character cleans up naive, which is certainly not to say the mafia Mendoza mayor and his chief assistant, police Captain Zuniga. José is obviously impatient and would love to groom moved from platonic level onward, but pious Catherine is firmly and relentlessly determined to wait until the wedding night and her unusual insistence neither José nor pragmatic advice Aunt Inez. José tries to Katarininým refusal to accept, but the first meeting with Carmen flips his life upside down. In vain her and actually explains himself above all that is engaged and also bound by professional responsibilities. Force that is pulling together, not only mighty surprise José, but also itself Carmen. This does not leave cold circus owner Garcia, who at Carmen behaves quite possessive and is ready to use any means to Carmen, by which an interested Zuniga and the mayor kept for themselves. García without witnesses shoot captain Jose Zuniga gun charges and therefore falls to José. He starostovým before anger hides in the woods, where Carmen comes to him that warned him that Garcia vengeance now can hit both José, but all depends on whom José. Danger threatens from psychopathic García thus Katarina, which may seem far-fetched, but for the moment we believe Carmen Garcia knows that well enough to know that it really is capable of anything. José refuses to flee, while Carmen asks her to help protect Katarina. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)

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