
Frédérick runs a tree nursery. For sixty years this elderly man has not only cultivated seeds and seedlings but also harbours a secret. His wife and his eldest son are the only ones who know the truth.
But then, Frédérick's son dies; the relationship between father and son was not always free of conflict and because of this Frédérick decides to open up to others close to him and admit something he couldn't bring himself to mention before.
When Frédérick was twenty, France was occupied by Germany. At the time, Frédérick was deported to Schirmeck, a Nazi concentration camp in Vogesen – on account of his homosexuality.
After the end of the Second World War, Frédérick married and started a family. Frédérick, a man who had escaped horror, certain death and extermination on a massive scale, began his life anew.
His new life made him hope that he would never again have to come into contact with that which lay behind him and should be forgotten ... (Berlinale)

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