
Behind closed doors of a seemingly normal college, the ultimate showdown in underground MMA fighting is being planned. Ex-MMA rising star Case Walker (Michael Jai White) trains four college-age fighters, each with their own individual obstacles. Case will instruct them to master the most mind-blowing fighting techniques and go head to head in the most punishing competition ever devised - The Beatdown. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)


Recensie (1)


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels It's neither better nor worse than the first installment; it's just kind of the same, but if I had seen this film first, I might have liked it more. It's pleasantly small-scale; the actors play it cool here, although it's kind of easy to swallow. The fights are good, even though mostly short. The scene with the telescopic baton at the end is nicely gritty. ()

Galerie (2)

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