
This full-length narrative animated movie consists of four animated episodes and a feature part that connects them together and creates a framework of the story. Each of the fairy-tales will be done using a different technology and by a different art team. The first episode, inspired by the Fairy-tale of a Princess That Never Smiled, is animated in the semi-plastic technology, directed by Bretislav Pojar and designed by Pavel Koutksy. The second story uses the classic puppet animation. Designed and directed by Michal Zabka, the story of The Fairy and the Accountant is fun for kids and instructive for dads. The third part is animated in a very unusual flat-paper-puppet technology in the real space. The designer is Bara Dlouha and director is Frantisek Vasa. The story about a fisherman, his wife and a golden fish is well-known, its new interpretation set in the world of wheels and motors is extraordinarily new. The fourth episode takes place in near future. The director and art designer Libor Pixa hopes that common sense will beat greed and desire to be first no matter what. The feature divides will be directed by Jakub Kohak and the narrator's job will be given to one of the Chinaski band's singers. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)


Recensie (1)



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Engels A very enjoyable and novel range of animated fairy tales, which unfortunately are connected by a not-very-functional acted storyline. But the first story, The Princess Who Didn't Laugh, is very sweet. The Accountant and the Fairy is absolutely charming, especially thanks to Viktor Preiss' performance, the styling is charming and even Lucie Bílá surprises us at the end. The Fisherman Maršíček is appealing mainly with the idea of flat animation in a real environment, and Vincent is there for the children who grow up on modern graphics without a speck of nostalgia. I recommend it. ()

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