
  • USA Roma Cops
Hongarije, 2010, 59 min


HBO Hungary's original documentary tells about the difficulties of three Gypsies who chose to be policemen. In the film entitled "Roma Cops" we get to know the story of three lovable characters from three different parts of the country. The documentary is about three Gypsy persons having different aims in different stages of their life. But they have one thing in common: that they have dreamed a dream, which only few Gypsies can fulfill. They want to break out from their present situation for which a career as a policeman is a way. Sanyi, who is stationed as an active officer in the 8th district of Budapest, wants to get back home to Mátészalka, near to his parents, whereas Mihály, the retired rural policeman would like to make use of all his experience and go into service again. Finally Bea with a scholarship from the police for years, would like to be accepted by the Police College in Szeged in order to become a policewoman. By the help of "Roma Cops" we can have an insight of the everyday lives and work of policemen; and we also have a chance to meditate whether the Gypsies' presence in the police is good and needed at all or not. We also get to know the notorious 8th district, from that patrol's point of view, who is the only one in Budapest who actually admits his Gypsy origins. (HBO Documentary Films)


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