Cinéma de notre temps : Abel Ferrara : Not Guilty

alle posters
Frankrijk, 2003, 85 min


Abel Ferrara: Not Guilty is the portrait of a filmmaker who defies categorization, of one of the most politically-oriented directors around whose sole obsession is shooting films, whatever the cost. His refusal to be part of the system, his marginality sets him apart from any conventional reporting: no question/answer session will do here, no «interview». What is filmed is the improbable encounter between Ferrara and the Iranian film director Rafi Pitts, revealing Ferraras isolation in an America more concerned by its dreams than by creators. What we end up with is an unusual road movie, with the wide open spaces limited to a few square meters of torturous territory in New York City by night where Ferrara brandishes his reality for anyone who wants to listen. (Viennale)
