
Whilst a director is completely involved in the making of a new and successful film, his loving mother Gógó begins acting strangely. Little things at first, like getting lost, forgetting to turn off the stove or bursting into anger. But when she forgets to turn off the water and floods the neighbour's apartment, Gógó must face the truth: Alzheimer’s. A word like a stage curtain that falls before the play is over. Her son’s problems suddenly pale when he realizes that he is losing the person closest to his heart. As Gógó retreats from the present, she finds herself returning more and more to a cheerier past, to a time when she was young and beautiful and happily in love. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)


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Engels It’s been a long time since I’ve sensed depression as strong as the one coming from this movie. As such, the movie does not fully reflect Iceland and their strange nature. Rather, it focuses on feelings stemming from situations that most of us live through at some point. That’s why the movie is full of such remarkable depression. Anyway, I have to admit that the director shot it very nicely. He poured his heart out about one of the very harsh times (at least for him, surely) and he didn’t forget about those who watch Icelandic movies to enjoy the gorgeous landscapes and those incredibly distinctive characters. Mamma Gogo is a difficult movie, I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. But the ending surely won’t disappoint you and it answers the questions it raised, which is nice. Life sails on the stormy sea all the time. One time it rides the wave, another time it gets swept up by the wave. But each and every time, it has to shake off and face new waves. ()

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