Jin tian de yu zen me yang?

  • USA How Is Your Fish Today?
China / Groot Brittanië, 2006, 83 min


Xiaolu Guo


Sheng Lu


Matt Scott


Xiaolu Guo


A young man in southern China kills his lover. He starts his lonely escape, travelling from one end of the country to the other, until he reaches the promised land of miracles, a snowy village on the northern border. Sitting at his desk in Beijing, a scriptwriter is setting down this man's story. It is through this story that the former's life takes on new meaning as he discovers the value of freedom. One day he will embark upon a journey to meet his character and his imagination will blur the boundaries between reality and fiction. This faintly autobiographical tale was written by scriptwriter Rao Hui, who plays himself as well as the main hero of the fictional story he is writing. The film hovers on the borders of fiction, essay and documentary, and mixes various approaches, genres and styles with surprising humour and self-irony. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)

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