
What should one do with an unexpected inheritance of 50,000 Euro? This is the question preoccupying Franssou, who has suddenly been blessed with this windfall. Should she save the money, invest it, or buy something expensive with it? But all of those ideas are far to petty minded for Franssou. Much better to spend it trying out a different kind of life, a life free from financial constraints in which she can simply live for the moment. This is the first thing that occurs to the teacher from the country. She sets off for the Côte d´Azur and checks into the best hotel on the square – the Carlton. A hotel with four stars! Things couldn't be better, she thinks. She meets Stéphane. He is young and has plans. Stéphane's primary interest is in money. Especially other people's money. This charming scoundrel's attention is immediately drawn to Franssou. Yet the young woman, who clearly possesses the innate ease and confidence of the upper classes, is by no means as guileless as Stéphane had hoped. She sees through his game – even before he has a chance to make his opening gambit. No wonder that he and Franssou throw in their lot together. The couple meet a third character. Once a racing driver, he now has plenty of time on his hands – and a past in which things did not always run as smoothly as he is wont to pretend. Christian Vincent's comedy is about money, morals and love, as well as all kinds of complications in this particular force field. Subjects that, ever since the films of Ernst Lubitsch, has always been the stuff of real comedy. (Berlinale)

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