Operation Wild

Groot Brittanië, 2014, 3x52 min


Clare Balding and Steve Leonard join teams of pioneering vets around the world who are using the most cutting-edge techniques, often adapted from human medicine, to save the lives of animals.

Episode 1:
Clare Balding and vet Steve Leonard find out how developments in human medicine are transforming the way sick animals are treated around the world. Clare discovers how vets in China keep baby pandas alive. Plus, a pioneering operation in Cameroon could transform the life of Shufai the gorilla, and an elephant in Laos with a gunshot wound has to have an x-ray at a human hospital.

Episode 2:
In a world first, vets call on a plastic surgeon to give a rhino a skin graft operation. Plus, Rosemary the blind orangutan has microsurgery to try to restore her sight so she can see her daughter again and a seal with a mystery illness is diagnosed using the kind of scanner usually seen in a human hospital.

Episode 3:
For the first time ever, a vet attempts to treat a moonbear using keyhole brain surgery, deep in the jungle. Vets try to remove an elephant's massive tusk after he develops an infection. Will a prosthetic tail help a dolphin called Fuji swim again? (BBC)
