Slepá Dôvera

  • USA Blind Trust
Documentaire / Korte films
Slowakije, 2013, 32 min


Rasťo Hatiar


Rasťo Hatiar


Rasťo Hatiar


When Geogre Prager was 12 his visual eyesight was started to get worse. The doctors diagnosted him an optic neuritis in that time. When he was 19 he got blind and he could see only light and darkness. His life has been changed completely. He didn´t want to live at that time. He adapted to that situation with helping of family and friends and tried to live with that problem. He started playing sports, studying at university and preparing for the Paralympics Games in discipline cycling on a tandem bike in Rio de Janeiro. In summer 2012 he managed to get on the top of the mountain Mt. Blanc, Castor and the Gerlach Peak in Slovakia like the first blind Slovak. He reached the top of the mountains with his friends - Konstantin Kocian and the mountain guide Zoltan Pal. Rastislav Hatiar has been done all with professional camera. (Mezinárodní festival outdoorových filmů)



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