
Fodor, a script-writer of promising talent finds himself in a difficult financial situation. So he comes out with an absurd idea to make a film of. The director, with several scripts having been refused, likes it. Fodor spends the advance payment soon, but he is unable to finish the script by the deadline. Instead of the originally agreed script, he gives the central dramaturgy department a short-story theme with a Neo-realistic touch, a long cherished dream of his. The film director is eager to set to work, the ambitious dramaturgist and the managing director chew so much on the pessimistic topic that the prison in the original version of the script turns into a holiday resort, the deteriorated block of flats changes into an elegant, luxurious villa, and the picture depicted about the society in a neo-realistic style ends up in a variety show with fake glamour. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)

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