Loos Ornamental

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Oostenrijk, 2008, 72 min


An homage to the oeuvre of Austrian Architect Adolf Loos (1870-1933), one of the founders of European modernity, Loos Ornamental is a chronological analysis of 27 still existing buildings and interior designs. Loos’ offensive rejection of the ornamental adornments of buildings initiated a theoretical architectural clash and he generated a completely new thinking about the creation of space. A continuation of Emigholz’s “Architecture and Autobiography” series, portraying famous architects through their constructions, the stark images give cinematic expression to his own experience of space at a particular time. Every aspect of the construction is meticulously presented until it breathes as a whole. We experience Loos’ architecture as ideas made real, visible and thus gain an understanding of the development of his almost modular way of building. We are taken into the architect’s complex and beautiful inner worlds. The artfully presented shots, uninterrupted by narration, give the viewer freedom to construct their own way of seeing, whilst meditating on the fate of modern architecture. (DOK.fest München)
