Everything’s fine

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Frankrijk / Mali, 2006, 78 min


Seydou Konaté is the only doctor in a remote village in Southern Mali. In the isolated outpost of the community health centre, with no electricity or phones, he provides healthcare for more than 40,000 people. We follow his everyday routing, from meeting up with patients in his office, to warning against the dangers of contaminated water and unprotected sex – even comparing professional notes with a faith healer in for a diagnosis. In this impoverished nation, one fifth of children die before 15, 140,000 people have HIV, 25,000 people annually die from malaria and half the population has no access to clean water. Faced with this, Konaté remains quietly committed to delivering quality healthcare with few resources. Generally affable, he is quick to anger when his community is threatened, as when a market vendor repeatedly cooks with contaminated well water. An engaging portrait, Toro si té (Everthing’s Fine) offers us an insight into the challenges of healthcare in Africa today. (DOK.fest München)
