Mit den Augen eines Flüchtlingskindes

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Duitsland, 2006, 59 min


Twelve-year old Jasmin and eleven-year old Fatima are two of the roughly 2.5 million people who fled from the war in Sudanese Darfour. Having escaped the massacres in their homeland, together with the surviving members of their families they have reached the safety of the UN Bredjing refugee camp in the South-East of the neighbouring country of Chad. The film shows daily life in the camp where the girls live alongside 35,000 other refugees, under 45 °C in the shade. Jasmin and Fatima have become very close friends. They share everything, they sit next to each other at school, laugh and sing together. They collect wood together that can be traded in for vital flour. Their Muslim faith gives them strength. But the shadows of the past are their constant companion. Jasmin lost her brothers in the conflict, she is unable to sleep anymore: “If I went back I would have to think about it all again. I don’t want to go back. I want to go somewhere else.” Director Susan Gluth tells the story of the conflict through the eyes of two refugee children. Through her impressive images, she gives dying in Darfour a face. (DOK.fest München)

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