
  • Frankrijk Pinocchio (meer)


Dit is het klassieke verhaal over een houten pop, die tot leven komt, en probeert een echt jongetje te worden. Ondanks de hulp van de Blauwe Fee en de liefde van zijn vader Gepetto raakt Pinocchio van het ene avontuur in het andere. (RCV Film Distribution)

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Engels Ideal study material for psychoanalysts... The embarrassing, non-stop way-haying of an overly-verbose, fifty-year-old Benigni in cute clothes with flowers on them in the role of a little wooden boy. Don’t you get it? So let’s go through this once again: The embarrassing, non-stop way-haying of an overly-verbose, fifty-year-old Benigni in cute clothes with flowers on them in the role of a little wooden boy. Still not in the picture? Don’t worry, nor am I. I wouldn’t let a kid watch even a moment of this. The consequences that it would mean for his or her future just aren’t worth it. Roberto Benigni really should go visit an analyst asap, because there is something rotten inside his soul. Not to mention that he seems to have really believed that somebody would like to share in this abnormal and almost pedophilic lifetime dream of his. And, just to remind you, if you feel like trying to understand me again: The embarrassing, non-stop way-haying of an overly-verbose, fifty-year-old Benigni in cute clothes with flowers on them in the role of a little wooden boy. Not even Frank Abagnale could get away with that, let alone Benigni. In cute clothes with flowers. Nooo.... ()

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